What’s new?

Wow. With all that’s been going on lately, January fairly flew by. Now it’s nearly Valentine’s Day. Five years ago on Feb. 14, my darling husband proposed to me. Hard to believe it was that long ago!

I’ve posted a few “new house” photos since we moved, so I’m sure you’re all rather sick of looking at the same landscape. But when I saw the sun making the distant hills rosy this morning, with twilight still in the foreground, I had to snap a few. Check it out here: Sunrise

Finally, lest you think I’ve been letting my knitting slide, here are a couple of photos. First, the “Frozen Feet” socks, made out of 100 percent alpaca. These suckers are going to be W.A.R.M.

Frozen Feet Socks

Next, a quick pair of “Fetching” gloves:


I designed a neck warmer to go with them, but haven’t taken photos of it yet. I’ll try to be good about writing it up, because it turned out to be quite cute!

Hey, did you notice the fab Fiesta Ware sugar and creamer set in the Fetching photo? LOVE the color!!! And the price…I found the set for $15 at an antique store in Cape May, NJ last fall. Fun ;-)

Well, back to work. Duty calls, and all that. Until later, happy knitting!

PS. I HATE how WordPress works with photos! But Blogger doesn’t let me post PDF files of my patterns for you…So. What’s a girl to do? Guess I have some research to do on blog options. If anyone has suggestions, I’m open to hearing them!

2 thoughts on “What’s new?

  1. Hi, Hannah.

    I was on line looking for a knitting pattern for a two piece dress. Yes, I’ve picked up the needles again. Everybody got mittens, scarves, and hats for Christmas this year. But I need a special project for myself. I can’t find the pattern I want. (I’m too picky, I guess) But I’d like to do it in a cotton or summer weight yarn. And if it looked a bit “vintage”, that would be great. I can remember my mother and aunts wearing just what I’m looking for.

    I love the website. Your new place looks great. I hope you are well. I often find myself thinking of you and Chris and woondering how things are going.

    Any time you want to go to New York for music (or anywhere else) let us know. we miss you both.


  2. Hi, I love your patterns. Could you please tell me what pattern you used for the Frozen Feet Socks? Thanks so much, Jeanette

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